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  • Tags: RAF Bridlington

On the left page a menu for the airmen's' mess at RAF Bridlington Christmas day 1943 meal. Annotated with some signatures, including BE Chadwick (LACW), M.E Kane (WAAF), M. Hughes (Cpl) and D. Darling.
On the right page a course photograph of a…

Seven items in a scrapbook. #1 is the Bomber Command crest #2 is 5 Group crest #3 is 61 Squadron crest #4 is 101 Squadron crest #5 is Ernest's call up paper #6 is Ernest's acceptance into air force #7 is a meal pass used at ITW Bridlington.

A group of 46 trainees arranged in eight rows.
On the reverse each man has signed his name. There is an annotation '21 Initial Training Wing Bridlington Yorkshire January 1st- February 11th 1944'.

Joined in 1942 and then details training and tour on 115 Squadron, gunnery course, tours as gunnery instructor. Further tour with 625 Squadron, crashed twice before another instructors tour. Mentions 14 ops on first tour and 20 on second. Comments on…

Airmen's Mess menu for Christmas day 1943.

A formal photograph of 61 trainees, two non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and two officers arranged in nine rows at Bridlington Grand Pavilion Theatre. The trainees are standing while the NCOs and officers are seated at the front. Bernard Ross is…

Three photographs.
#1 is seven rows of trainees captioned '14 ITW Bridlington 1940'.
#2 is four rows of airmen captioned '1666 Con Unit Wombleton 1942'.
#3 is four rows of airmen in khaki in front of an unidentified aircraft captioned…
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