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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Target photograph partially obscured by cloud showing open countryside with some roads. Caption '152, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 16700, 240 degrees, S., S., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/13'.

Target photograph showing open country with fields at the bottom and open area at the top. Caption '184, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17000, 216 degrees, P., P., 617'. On the reverse '51:05/12'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields, Road runs top left to bottom right. Caption '154, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 020 degrees, J., L., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/11'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields bottom left and an open area on the right. Roads run top left to bottom right. Caption '155, WS, 19.6.44, 18400, 020 degrees, J., L., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/10'.

Target photograph showing open countryside. Caption '186, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 18500, 200 dsegrees, H., H., 617', On the reverse '51:95/9'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields on the left and an open area on the right. Caption ' 162. WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 030 degrees, C., C., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/8'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left top bottom right. Cap[tion '161, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 030 degrees, C., C., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/7'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields on the left. Caption '170, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 18500, 200 degrees, B., B., 617'. On the reverse '51;95/6'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left to bottom right. Caption '196, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 16500, 035 degrees, A., A., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/5'.

Penswick, J - Notes-02.pdf
A compilation of photographs of Jack comprising 25 images in this collection.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Photo 1 is Warrant Officer George Bailey at the 90 Squadron memorial.
Photo 2 is a Horsa being towed by a Halifax.
Photo 3 is a Horsa in D-day markings.

Biography of Arthur Alexander Gill and memories of his cousin Kenneth Gill. Writes of working in the same firm as Kenneth Gill before the war. Too young to join forces, he was employed in Blackburn aircraft stores. Was called up in December 1944.…

Four women sitting on a lawn. The middle two are in air force uniform and the end two in waitress dress. In the background a two story Tudor period building with many windows. On the reverse 'Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa, officers' mess 617 squadron,…

A newspaper cutting announcing that Ernie Twells and the 617 squadron association will attend a presentation at Matlock. It describes the attempts made to sink the Tirpitz. Handwritten at the top is 'Long Eaton Advertiser 10/11/77'.

Group of nine United States and Royal Air Force officers standing on an airfield. In the background left a hangar and centre a Lancaster. From left to right Squadron Leader David Shannon, [Air Commodore Jordan], Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

A group of nearly 50 veterans on the boarding steps of a British Caledonian Boeing 707. They are posed for the photograph and are all waving. Captioned 'Reunion trip to Canada Early 1970's'.

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Five Group Newsletter, number 27, October 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, signals, tactics, air bombing, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, training, second thoughts…

Top - head and shoulders image of two men wearing civilian jacket and tie with a hedge behind. Submitted with description 'Post-war colour print of Des Richards, Chairman of the 106 Sqn Association, and F/Lt David Shannon DSO*, DFC* of 106 and 617…

An air-to-air view of two Lancasters KC-W and KC-A in flight.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Air-to-air view of two Lancaster aircraft airborne in echelon formation. Taken from the port side of the two aircraft. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'. On the reverse 'Shuter, Dick Lambert, Mike…

Air-to-air view of two aircraft in echelon formation flying to the left. Squadron letters 'KC'. On the reverse 'KC-W F/O Sanders and crew, KC-A W?O Gingles and crew. Photo taken from M/U or KC-C F/O Ross and crew. Aug 1944'.
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