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  • Tags: 12 Squadron

Informs her that they had heard nothing further of her husband.

Informs her that her husband's aircraft was missing as his aircraft failed to return to base on 6 August 1941.

From officer commanding 12 Squadron regretting that they could not give and information on her husbands chances of safety. Also unable to give any information on other crew members.

Letter form Officer Commanding 12 Squadron reporting that her husband was missing form operations on 5/6 August 1941. Enclosed is list of personal effects.

The group of men is arranged in six rows in front of a hangar. It is captioned '1941 Either 11 OTU or 12 Squadron Binbrook. Sgt AE Cosgrove RAFVR 968259 (3rd row from top, 6th from right)'.

AM Form 78 for Lancaster Mk 3 JA865. Details of its service record.

From information provided by the donor. Lancaster PH-U from 12 Squadron RAF Wickenby.

Brief but detailed notes of John Alfred Wright's life and Royal Air Force service, places he lived and the dates, stations that he served at, ranks held, medals awarded.

Pilots flying log book for J O Lancaster covering the period from 6 July 1937 to 15 September 1943. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Sywell, RAF Ansty, RAF Desford, RAF Sealand, RAF…

An autobiography of Jim Taylor's time in the RAF before the war. He spent time training with Oliver Bell, who is recorded in the memoir.

Stephen joined the Royal Air Force in Kingston upon Hull. He wanted to be a pilot but became a mid-air gunner instead. He started at RAF Dalcross where he trained on Boulton Paul Defiant aircraft and went to 12 Squadron at RAF Wickenby on Lancasters.…

Rita’s late husband was Flight Lieutenant Edward Brooks DFC, DFM. He was in the Home Guard before enlisting with the Royal Air Force in February 1941, and sometime later went to RAF Uxbridge. Following training at Blackpool, the recruits were…

Peter joined the 74 Air Defence Cadet Corps at a unit at Crayford. He then volunteered to join the Royal Air Force. After a recruiting centre at Hither Green, he attended Lord’s Cricket Ground and was called up towards the end of 1943. He went to…

Marion Hollier served as a wireless operator in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force from February 1944 to September 1946. Before the war she worked in a construction firm, The George Wimpey Company, which built aerodromes. She learned the Morse code in…

Margaret Horry was born in Spalding. She remembers aircraft taking off going on operations, and retells wartime stories of her relatives. Arthur served in Bomber Command as a bomb aimer. Frank was also in Bomber Command. He joined the Royal Air Force…

Les Pearson was in reserved occupation as an apprentice in general mechanical engineering, but he volunteered as aircrew. He initially trained as a pilot but was remustered as a bomb aimer. He flew operations as a bomb aimer with 153 Squadron from…

Les joined the RAF in 1938 and was posted to RAF Eastchurch to learn his trade as an armourer. Once qualified he worked with the Fairey Battle and Bristol Beaufort, among others. After the he worked with Meteors, Hawker Hunters and the V-force. He…

Ken Duddell flew operations as a flight engineer with 460, 12 and 103 Squadrons.

Ken joined the RAF in January 1942 and qualified as a flight engineer in July 1943 at RAF St Athans. He passed through a number to RAF Stations before they were…

Ken had been in the Air Training Corps and enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in 1942. He went to No. 2 Initial Training School at Bradfield Park and then to Marborough where he chose to be a wireless operator/air gunner. They flew on Wackett…

John Robert Watson joined RAF Bomber Command in 1943, volunteering after he witnessed his next-door neighbour's house being destroyed by a bomb. Against his father's wishes, John joined Bomber Command initially as a wireless operator, before…

John Green was born on the 22nd of September 1921 in Penge, South East London. He registered for the Royal Air Force to prevent being called up by the Army and was drafted in 1942. He was posted to the Isle of Man, where he volunteered as a drogue…
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