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  • Tags: RAF Kinloss

L Mitchell’s air gunner’s flying log book covering the period from 1 July 1936 to 17 September 1941. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air gunner. He was stationed at Upper Heyford, Driffield, Boscombe Down and Linton-on-Ouse…

John Mitchell’s wireless operator’s flying log book covering the period from 12 October 1941 to 9 August 1948. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as wireless operator. He was stationed at RAF Kinloss (19 OTU), RAF Forres (19 OTU),…

L Mitchell’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 20 August 1953 to 31 October 1955. Detailing his operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Aldergrove (202 Squadron), RAF St Mawgan (School of Maritime Reconnaissance/236…

Flying log book for J Jarmy covering the period from 13 January 1958 to 29 June 1966. He flew with 204 Squadron was based at RAF Kinloss, RAF Ballykelly, RAF Gibraltar and RAF St. Mawgan. Aircraft flown were Shackleton (9 flights exceeded 12 hrs),…

J A Dellow’s Air Bomber’s Flying Log Book covering the period 1 August 1942 to 28 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air bomber. He was stationed at RCAF Picton 31 B&GS), RCAF Mount Hope (33 ANS), RAF…

Richard Murray Allen was born in Queensland, Australia. He joined the Air Training Corps and later volunteered for the Royal Australian Air Force on his 18th birthday. He trained as a wireless operator in Australia, before being posted to England,…

Rhona Hay was a very young child during the war and lived with her mother while her father was away serving in the RAF. Her brother was also in the RAF and was killed during a training accident. She recalls the acceptance of the bombing and so on as…

Peter Morris lived through the East End blitz. He joined the ATC as soon as it was established and applied to join the RAF as aircrew. He was accepted for training as a navigator. While waiting for a course he was part of a group that was sent to…

Neil Harris wanted to join the RAF because he was looking for an exciting life experience and an opportunity for further education. He started as a flight mechanic before training as a pilot. Remembers being trained in different locations across the…

Monty grew up in Croydon and became an articled accountant in London before joining the RAF. Training at the Initial Training Wing in Torquay was followed by RAF Bishops Court in Northern Ireland and RAF Kinloss, which had a flight simulation room.…

Mike Chatterton grew up on a farm. His father, John Chatterton was a Lancaster pilot during the war, before returning to university and becoming a lecturer, then later becoming a farmer. Mike joined the Royal Air Force from university in the 1970’s…

Mary Stanley Foister grew up in Buckinghamshire, where her father's farm was taken over as Bomber Command Headquarters. After leaving school, she served in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. Following training, she had a variety of administrative posts…

Mark Johnson reminisces about John Blair. He discusses family life in rural Jamaica as a mixed-ethnicity person, highly respected by everyone. He was a qualified teacher, a lawyer, and a farmer. Reminisces other Caribbeans who volunteered and served…

Janet Hughes’ father, Reginald Charles Wilson, volunteered for the RAF in August 1941. In January 1942, he was posted to America under the Arnold training scheme and was later re-mustered to train as a navigator in Canada. After forming a crew at…

Jack Lyon was a navigator/ bomb aimer and a prisoner of war for almost four years. Born in 1918, he was employed with the London Gas Company as a bookkeeper until August 1939 when he transferred to Shell. At the outbreak of the war, Shell closed…

Hugh Lorimer skipped school to see a flying circus and won a flight in one of the aeroplanes. He later volunteered for the RAF and began training as a wireless operator. He was, initially, posted to Special Duty Flight test flying in India. However,…

Harry Gough, born in Dewsbury, finished school in 1939 aged 14, joined the Air Training Corps in 1941 and volunteered for the Air Force in 1943. He recalls his training as an air gunner and flying over the North Pole. After flying operations he was…

Ernest Holmes joined the RAF and served as a pilot, flying operations first with 76 Squadron and then on Pathfinders. Gives a vivid and detailed account of when he was shot down over Holland: how he was given shelter by a farmer’s family and moved…

Douglas Newham enjoyed his career as a navigator. Over his career he saw the development of technology in his chosen field. He and his crew spent some of their time as part of North West African Strategic Air Force. Following time as an instructor at…

Douglas Smith grew up in Bressingham, Norfolk. He joined the Royal Air Force in October 1940, at the age of nineteen, and trained as a wireless operator. He joined a crew on Wellingtons at No 10 Operational Training Unit, RAF Abingdon, before…

Bomb aimer Frank Jones wrote notes decades ago regarding his service in Bomber Command with 158 Squadron. His son, Derek reads his father’s story, which includes his early life, enlisting into the RAF and training in navigation at No. 43 Air…

Bill Lucas DFC was born on the 16 January 1917 and lived in Upper Tooting. He left school at the age of 15 and went to work in an Insurance Company, before joining the Royal Air Force in 1939. Bill was sent to 16 EFTS at Derby and then to an Advanced…

W E (Bill) Lucas joined the Royal Air Force in 1940, where he trained as a fighter pilot flying Miles Magisters and Miles Masters, before being posted to RAF Lossiemouth and moving into Bomber Command where he flew the Vickers Wellington 1C. He flew…
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