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  • Tags: 199 Squadron

First is of mid upper turret of Stirling captioned 'Top gunner". Eddie in his office after cleaning.'
Second is of a Stirling just getting airborne, captioned 'Dusk take off', ' Nan taken by ground staff as we left for Germany on our last trip April…

First of group of individuals, captioned 'Air and ground crew, sitting on wing of "N" for Nan, March 1945.'
Second is of small car, captioned "Crew - bus", my first car bought when on ops with 199 Sqdn.'
Third is of right-hand forward nose of a…

Badge mounted on wooden shield.

Metal/enamel eagle badge for 199 Squadron with a Lego brick.

Cloth crest of 199 Squadron with the moto 'Let tyrants tremble'.

Design for the 199 Squadron crest showing colours and the moto 'Let tyrants tremble'.

Arthur Ward’s Flying Log Book as an air bomber from 20 November 1942 until 27 August 1944 on completion of his operational tour. Trained at No. 10 Advanced Flying Unit, 27 Operational Training Unit 30 Operational Training Unit, 1651 Conversion…

First is of a crew of eight, standing by left mainwheel of a Stirling captioned 'The crew'. ' The crew of aircraft 'N' for Nan. no 199 Squadron from Nov 1944 till April 1945'.
Second is of ten individuals standing and kneeling in front of a…

Tin box with 'C.R. Hattersley' and 'T76523' on the outside.
There is a maker's mark 'Jones Brothers & Co Wolverhampton'. Inside are eight compartments containing the following items:
Dividers and wooden box, pencil sharpener and leather case, pen…

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Bremerhaven.

Five verse poem about converting a squadron from Wellington to Stirling.

Flying log book for George Ellams covering the period from 10 January 1942 to 30 June 1967. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Also contains photographs and various RAF documents relating to his service, ranks, proficiency and…

17 photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Stirling, captioned '199 Squadron Stirlings Lakenheath November 1943. Dad is third row up, fifth from left'.
Photo 2 is four airmen standing under the…

Bernie How was 14 when war was declared and remembers aircrew socialising at his father's pub. He volunteered for the RAF at 17 and trained as a flight engineer on Stirlings. He describes a crash on take-off in a Stirling. He completed 35 operations,…

Dennis joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1943 as a rear gunner. His training took place in RAF Porthcawl on Ansons, and in RAF Bridlington. At the Operational Training Unit, he trained on Wellingtons and Stirlings, and crewed up. He joined 199…

George Hutton won ten pounds for composing a motto regarding the manufacture of Mosquitos. In time, he volunteered as aircrew and trained as a gunner. He was posted to 199 Squadron for his first tour. His second tour was with 514 Squadron. The crew…

Roy was born in Northampton and was evacuated from Becontree in London to Weston-super-Mare. He gained his degree from Queen Mary College, London, which was evacuated to Cambridge.

After the Air Training Corps, Roy was called up to be a…

Steve Ellams is the son of a wireless operator who flew in a number of different aircraft. During the war he flew initially in Sunderlands overseas before being posted back to the UK. He started operational flying in Bomber Command with 199 Special…
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