Elliot, J


Elliot, J


36 items. Collection concerns Flying Officer John (Jock) Elliot who flew as a wireless operator in Lancaster on 550 Squadron. Collection contains his flying log book, a memoir, an oral history interview, transcript of a discussion with John Elliot and his pilot Flight Lieutenant Jim Lord DFC, documents and photographs.

The collection was licensed to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Dr Steve Bond and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.

This collection was provided, in digital form, by a third-party organisation which used technical specifications and operational protocols that may differ from those used by the IBCC Digital Archive.




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Collection Items

Wellington being refueled
Front quarter view of a parked Wellington with two airmen on starboard wing refuelling will another stands on the ground tending refueler. Submitted with caption 'Wellington JA 83 OTU Peplow'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Aérodrome de Saint-Omer-Wizernes
Target photograph shows open countryside with part of airfield at bottom with craters. Some other areas with small pattern of craters. Captioned '522 NKL 20.7.44 //8" 14000 160 2101, [detail cropped off] 1000 4x 500 31 sec F/O Lord G 550'.

Shows open countryside with smoke/cloud obscuring most of photograph. Captioned '593 NKL 3.8.44 //8" 12000 240 1417, TROSSY ST MAXIMIN F1 13 X1000 4 X 500 C 29 SEC F/O LORD G 550'.

Air and ground crew in front of Lancaster
A large group of air and ground crew in two rows in front of a Lancaster with nose art of cartoon figure, words 'We dood it' and two rows with 30 operation tally symbols with 'Jim' above. Submitted with caption 'Lord crew & ground crew Sep 44'.…

Le Havre
Target photograph with docks visible bottom left and coastline top left. Further dock centre right with built up area around and above it. Rest of view is obscured by smoke/cloud. Photo damaged at centre top (look like explosions but actually pin…

Le Culot
Target photograph showing airfield with runways in open countryside with bomb explosion smoke. Captioned '702 NKL 15-8-44//8" 16000 162 1202 1/2, LE CULOT, F113x1000 4x500 c32 sec F/O Lord G550'.

Rear quarter view of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster I W4154 1 LFS Hemswell'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor. Note aircraft still shows previous unit code 'PE' of 1662 HCU.

Lancaster parked on dispersal
Rear quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal with a single story hut in the background. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster EE139 BQ-B 'Phantom of the Ruhr' 550 sqn'.

Pilot leaning out of cockpit of a Lancaster
A pilot wearing peaked cap leaning out of the cockpit window of a Lancaster with nose art of foxes, beer tankard and a woman, words 'Press on regardless' and seven rows of operation tally symbols. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster ED905 BQ-F 'Press…

Airmen and woman seeing off a Lancaster
A small crowd standing on the side of a runway waving off a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster ED905 BQ-F 'Press on Regardless' 550 sqn Flt Lt Shaw, taking off on its 100th op'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Lancaster with damaged tail
Rear quarter view of a Lancaster 'BQ-Q' with damage to starboard tail fin. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster DV305 BQ-O 550 sqn Waltham after Berlin raid 30-31'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Lancaster on airfield
Rear quarter view of Lancaster "BQ-Q" parked on dispersal with others in the background. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster BQ-Q 550 sqn Waltham 1944 FL Joe Rigby DFC 2'.

Crew on top of Lancaster
Six airmen wearing Mae West sitting around cockpit on top of a Lancaster. Pilot in cockpit looking out of window. Nose art of cartoon figure and words "We Dood It" as well as two rows of operation tally symbols, Submitted with caption 'Ken, Jim, Gus,…

Lancaster and bombs
Front quarter view of a parked Lancaster with bombs on trollies in front. Another aircraft in the distance behind. Submitted with caption 'Lancaster B.III PB707 BQ-L2 550 Sqn Norh Killingholme 1944-45' Additional information kindly provided by the…

This is ridiculous - we should bale out
Mentions that he was in air cadets and then covers training as a wireless operator and eventual posting to 550 Squadron. Recalls events of 12 July 1944 on an operation to Revigny in France when the crew were forced to abandon their aircraft over…

Jim Lord
Head and shoulders portrait of an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet. medal ribbons (including DFC), and peaked cap. Submitted with caption 'Jim Lord'. Additional information was kindly provided by the donor.

John Ellis's crew in front of Lancaster
Seven airmen wearing Mae West standing in line in front of a Lancaster with 'We Dood it' nose art and two rows of operation tally symbols. Submitted with caption 'Jack, Gus, Pat, Jim, Ken, Bob, Jock 550 sqn Sep 44'. Additional information was kindly…

Halifax on ground with engines running
Rear quarter view of a Halifax on grass with engines running. An airman stands off port wing and another behind tail. Submitted with caption ' Halifax V 1667 HCU Sandtoft'. Additional information was kindly provided by the donor.

Lancaster with pilot in cockpit
Front quarter view of the front of a Lancaster with port inner engine running. An airman is visible inside the cockpit and another on the ground looks up at running engine. Submitted with caption 'Flt Lt Jock Shaw 550 Sqn in ED905 BQ-F 'Press on…

Airman leaning out of cockpit window
A pilot leans out of the cockpit of a Lancaster with nose art "The Vulture Strikes" a vulture and many rows of operations tally bomb symbols. Submitted with caption 'Fg Off George Blackler 550 Sqn in PA995 BQ-V after his 37 ops tour 5-6 Mar 45'.…

John Elliot
Head and shoulders portrait of an officer wearing tunic with wireless operator brevet. Submitted with caption 'Elliott, John [Jock] circa 1945'. Additional information kindly provided by t he donor.

Pilot in cockpit of Lancaster
A pilot looking out of the cockpit window of a Lancaster. Nose art "Vulture Strikes" and outline of vulture and 8 rows of operations tally symbols. Submitted with caption 'Fg Off George Blackler 550 Sqn in PA995 BQ-V after his 37 ops tour 5-6 Mar…

Interview with John Elliot
John describes an operation where all crew of his aircraft had to bale out, after all airfields in England were fog bound they were running out of fuel. He goes on to describe an incident on an operation when he looked up out of astrodome to see a…

John Elliot 550 Squadron operations
Lists sorties including operations between June and September 1944. Table with aircraft (often their "We Dood It", target, day/night and time airborne with comments. Lists fate of aircraft and crew members.

Airfield bottom left with craters on runway. Open countryside with roads, villages and fields. Captioned 'NKL 10.8.44 //8" 15500 227 degrees 12.01, Paris FI 13x1000 4x500 c35 sec F/O Lord G550'.
View all 36 items

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