Brown, R


Brown, R


Five items. Collection concerns Ron Brown who flew 30 operations as a flight engineer on Stirling with 218 Squadron followed by a further 34 operations on Lancaster with 75 Squadron. Collection contains list of operations, an oral history interview and photographs.

The collection was licensed to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Dr Steve Bond and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.

This collection was provided, in digital form, by a third-party organisation which used technical specifications and operational protocols that may differ from those used by the IBCC Digital Archive.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Collection Items

Transcript of an interview with Ron Brown
Starts with recounting the Glen Miller incident when having aborted an attack on Sagen due to bad weather, they jettisoned bombs in specified area of North Sea. This area coincided with the track of Glen Millers aircraft and someone claimed it was…

Seven aircrew
Seven airmen wearing battledress standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Ron Brown's magnificent seven bomber crew, RAF Bomber Command 3 Group, 75 New Zealand squadron, Mepal, Cambridgeshire'.

Ron Brown
Contemporary head and shoulder portrait of Ron Brown sitting in an armchair.

List of Ron Brown's operation on 218 Squadron and 75 Squadron
List 30 completed operations with 218 Squadron Stirling's from RAF Woolfox Lodge. List crew for these operations. Includes one glider towing operation on 6 June 1944. Transfers via heavy conversion unit onto Lancaster and flies a further 34…
View all 5 items

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