Hartley, I J


Hartley, I J


24 items. The collection concerns Flying Officer I J Hartley (111978 Royal Air Force) and contains documents, newspaper cuttings and photographs. He flew operations as an air gunner with 102 Squadron.

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Dianne Ablewhite and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Hartley, IJ

Collection Items

Halifax on approach
View of a Halifax with undercarriage down approaching to land. Two horses in the foreground.

Me 262
An Me 262 parked on dispersal with trees behind.

Gun turrets
Top: Lancaster rear turret with two guns. Spent cartridge cases on the ground.
Bottom: two gun turret with man.

Airmen and Wellington
Left - two airmen, one sitting on chair, the other on the ground outside, both looking through binoculars. In the background buildings. Right - six airmen standing in front of a Wellington with covered cockpit.

Left - two airmen, one wearing battledress the other uniform tunic, both with side caps standing outside a brick building. Bicycles leaning against wall behind.
Right - an RAF corporal wearing tunic and smoking a pipe standing outside a brick…

Airborne Halifax
Air-to air view looking up from another aircraft of a Halifax.

Top left - two airmen inside by a mail box with a large ball,
Top right - four airmen inside, three standing and one sitting. One man standing has a large ball on his shoulder.
Middle - three airmen in dark room wearing uniform tunic with brevet.…

Airborne Halifax
Air-to-air view from below front of an airborne Halifax.

Four photographs - people
Top - squadron photograph. A large group of airmen sitting and standing in four rows in front of a building. Bottom left - nose art of cartoon animal like a camel with peaked cap motto 'AKE AKE, KIA KAKA'.Bottom centre - two airmen wearing flying…

Halifax - airborne
Air-to-air front quarter view of a Halifax squadron Letters 'B-EY' flying over open countryside.

Service people
Top left - a group of airmen in uniform sitting and standing in front of a hut. One is smoking a pipe.
Top right - two RAF officers wearing tunic with brevet (one pilot, the other a half brevet) on holding a pipe, standing in front of shrubbery.…

Lancaster rear turret
Side view of a Lancaster rear turret with twin machine guns. Empty bullet cases litter the ground below.

Letter and target photograph
Top - a letter to Squadron Leader A E Millson DFC from the Air Secretary. Passing compliments to him from Secretary of State concerning a turn at the Albert Hall and on having completed so many sorties.
Bottom - target photograph Courtrai showing…

Albert Edward Millson and crew
Top - five aircrew wearing Mae West life preservers standing looking at map held by one.
Middle - seven aircrew wearing life preservers walking away from a Halifax. One man is walking a dog on a lead.
Bottom seven aircrew wearing life preservers…

Rear gunner
Three photographs of an airman wearing flying suit sitting in or climbing out of a non standard rear turret of a Lancaster with twin machine guns.

RAF people and buildings
Top left - a group of airmen sitting on a bench and the ground in front of a brick building. Top right - a single story brick building with small tower at right angle to another two story building. Possible officers mess. Second row - a group of…

Large group of servicemen at mess dining in
A large group of servicemen and women wearing uniform or dinner jackets seated at rows of table inside a mess dining room.

The record bomber crew
Under photograph of the seven crew at a north of England station, caption lists names. Back row (l to r) F/O J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) F/O T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sgt W R Docherty, flight engineer, Liverpool (6), Squadron…

I J Hartley Awarded DFC
Announces DFC for Flight Lieutenant I J Hartley of Folkestone. Member of Halifax crew who have a combined total of 248 sorties. The pilot, Squadron Leader A E Millson also awared DFC.

We are seven - hold bombing record
Small article at bottom of page with photograph of seven airmen plus dog. Commanded by Squadron Leader A E Millson DFC had between the completed 228 operations, aircraft "X-ray" had completed 48 operations.

Bomber crew's 228 operational record flights
Under photograph of the seven crew at a north of England station, caption lists names. Back row (l to r) Flying Officer J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) Flying Officer T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sergeant W R Docherty, flight engineer,…

Newspaper with article Folkestone man in record crew
Under photograph of crew a caption lists members including Flying Officer I J Hartley rear gunner from Folkestone. List includes Flying Officer J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) Flying Officer T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sergeant W R…

Magazine cover
Cover to insert publication - radio times.

"Pocka Gen" - RAF Pocklington station magazine
Pocklington station magazine with articles about activities from station sections and humorous lines. Includes letters to the editor about goings on and complaints. Articles on welfare and entertainment, church notes, recognition of officer ranks at…
View all 24 items

Collection Tree

  • Hartley, I J