Bond, Steve
Bond, Steve
409 items in 45 sub-collections. The collection concerns Dr Steve Bond and contains log books, audio recordings, photographs, and other files related to 45 aircrew.
Barron, Andrew
Bromfield, Jack J
Brown, R
Clarke, E
Coles, A T
Cook, G A
Didwell, N
Dunn, George
Elliot, J
Ercolani, Lucian
Fellowes, David
Giddings, Leslie
Grafton, Stanley Robert
Gwilliam, Alan
Hayter, Len
Hill, Fred
Hobbs, Cliff
Horner, Lionel
Kartz, Harry
Lamb, Lennox Stanley
Lancaster, John Oliver (Jo)
Langdon, Peter
Lippiard, Ray
Lloyd, Eric
Lord, Jim
Mann, Albert Oswald
Marion, Gerry
Mason, Donald
Mercer, Ted
Milligan, Edward
O'Dell, R C
Payne, Henry
Petrie-Andrews, Joe
Rökker, Heinz
Richardson, Alan
Sharp, Guy R
Spoden, Peter
Stone, Gerry
Thomsett, Alan
Vandervord, David
Wakefield, Jack
Wells, Oliver
Welsh, Graham
Wensley, Richard
Williams, Ronald George
The collection was licensed to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Dr Steve Bond and catalogued by Nigel Huckins. This collection was provided, in digital form, by a third-party organisation which used technical specifications and operational protocols that may differ from those used by the IBCC Digital Archive.
Barron, Andrew
Bromfield, Jack J
Brown, R
Clarke, E
Coles, A T
Cook, G A
Didwell, N
Dunn, George
Elliot, J
Ercolani, Lucian
Fellowes, David
Giddings, Leslie
Grafton, Stanley Robert
Gwilliam, Alan
Hayter, Len
Hill, Fred
Hobbs, Cliff
Horner, Lionel
Kartz, Harry
Lamb, Lennox Stanley
Lancaster, John Oliver (Jo)
Langdon, Peter
Lippiard, Ray
Lloyd, Eric
Lord, Jim
Mann, Albert Oswald
Marion, Gerry
Mason, Donald
Mercer, Ted
Milligan, Edward
O'Dell, R C
Payne, Henry
Petrie-Andrews, Joe
Rökker, Heinz
Richardson, Alan
Sharp, Guy R
Spoden, Peter
Stone, Gerry
Thomsett, Alan
Vandervord, David
Wakefield, Jack
Wells, Oliver
Welsh, Graham
Wensley, Richard
Williams, Ronald George
The collection was licensed to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Dr Steve Bond and catalogued by Nigel Huckins. This collection was provided, in digital form, by a third-party organisation which used technical specifications and operational protocols that may differ from those used by the IBCC Digital Archive.
IBCC Digital Archive
This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and
Bond, S
Collection Items
Bomber Command record and transcripts
List of 43 aircrew and two groundcrew covered in S Bond sub-collections.
Sergeant Ron Williams
Half-length portrait of a sergeant wearing tunic with air gunner brevet standing in front of foliage. Submitted with caption 'Sgt Ron Williams'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Mr and Mrs Williams
A man wearing suit and tie and a woman standing arm in arm in front of a hedge with house in the background. Both are smoking. Submitted with caption 'Ron and Joyce's wedding day'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Page of signatures. Submitted with caption '216 Group party back page'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
To war in a Wimpy - the life and times of Flight Sergeant Ron Williams RAF
Biography of Ron Williams. Contains photographs and scans of documents.
Chapter 1 - early life, enlistment and training.
Chapter 2 - operational training. Describes activities during training OTU including naming his crew and flying out to…
Chapter 1 - early life, enlistment and training.
Chapter 2 - operational training. Describes activities during training OTU including naming his crew and flying out to…
Sergeant Richard Wensley
Starts by stating that one of the most hazardous operations flown by bomber command were lone aircraft flying supplies to support resistance forces in occupied Europe. He recounts Richard Wensley's early life, joining ATC, training as a flight…
Richard Wensley’s Royal Air Force Flight Engineers Flying Log Book
Richard Wensley’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 27th June 1943 until 28th September 1946. Posted to 1657 Conversion Unit and then 214 Squadron for operations. In November 1943 posted back to 1657 Conversion Unit.…
Birthday card
Hand drawn French birthday card with RAF roundel. Submitted with caption '21st birthday card 15 Jun 44'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Madame Miannay and her daughter
Head and shoulders portrait of a woman and girl. Submitted with caption 'Madame Miannay and her daughter'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Farm labourers
Two men and an woman standing in front of a horse. Submitted with caption 'unknown farm labourers Flixecourt'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor
Rear quarter view of a Stirling with squadron letters 'XY-T' parked on airfield. Submitted with caption 'Stirling III EH906 XY-T C Flt 90 sqn Wratting Common'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Richard Wensley
Head and shoulders portrait of Richard Wensley wearing open neck shirt sitting at a table with glasses and mug. Submitted with caption 'Wensley, Richard c.2006'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Forged identity card
French identity card made out for Emile Dufour with photograph of Richard Wensley and stamps. Submitted with caption 'Richard Wensley's forged identity card as Emile Dufour'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Eight evaders
Eight men wearing suits and tie, standing in line in a road in front of a brick building. Man in centre is holding flowers. Submitted with caption 'Flixecourt's hidden airmen including Richard and Norman after liberation Flt Lt Jeka holding flowers'.…
Two airmen and French family
Two airmen in shirtsleeves standing with a woman and a boy in front of a tree. Submitted with caption 'Madame Miannay who hid Richard and Norman for a time, with her son'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Richard Wensley and Norman Cartwright
Half length image of two airmen in civilian attire standing with arms folder in front of a tree. Submitted with caption 'Richard Wensley & Norman Cartwright during their time as farm labourers in Flixecourt'. Additional information kindly provided by…
Two airmen
Half length image of two airmen in shirtsleeves standing in front of wooden gate. Submitted with caption ' Richard Wensley right with unknown airmen in the yard of Flixecourt Co-op'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Seven men
Seven men, four standing and three squatting, all in front of wooden doors. Submitted with caption 'Richard Wensley top right, Norman Cartwright bottom left'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Richard Wensley
Head and shoulders portrait of a warrant officer wearing tunic with flight engineer brevet. Submitted with caption 'Wensley, Richard'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Graham Welsh
Head and shoulders portrait of an RAF officer wearing tunic with observer brevet and peaked cap. Submitted with caption 'Welsh, Graham 1945 [Granham Welsh]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Graham Welsh - answers to questions
He starts with a brief service history, including training and a move after 40 Squadron, to fill vacancy on 9 Squadron Wellington. He names his pilots and squadron pathfinder roll. He failed to return from 30th operation on first 1000 bomber…
A conversation with Oliver Wells
Transcript of oral history interview. He starts with a brief service history, 7 Squadron Oakington, Stirling and later Lancaster. He was shot down on his seventh operation, was captured after 4 months and became a prisoner of war. He begins with a…
Oliver Wells
Head and shoulders portrait of Oliver Wells wearing suit and tie. Submitted with caption 'Wells, Oliver post-war'.
Oliver Wells in front of a Lancaster
Full length image of an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot brevet and peaked cap. Standing in front of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'Wells, Oliver 7 Sqn July 43'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.
Collection Tree
- Bond, Steve
- Bromfield, Jack J
- Brown, R
- Cook, G A
- Elliot, J
- Ercolani, Lucian
- Giddings, Leslie
- Grafton, Stanley Robert
- Gwilliam, Alan
- Hayter, Len
- Hill, Fred
- Hobbs, Cliff
- Horner, Lionel
- Lamb, Lennox Stanley
- Langdon, Peter
- Lippiard, Ray
- Lloyd, Eric
- Lord, Jim
- Mann, Albert Oswald
- Marion, Gerry
- Mason, Donald
- Mercer, Ted
- Milligan, Edward
- O'Dell, R C
- Payne, Henry
- Rökker, Heinz
- Richardson, Alan
- Sharp, Guy R
- Spoden, Peter
- Stone, Gerry
- Thomsett, Alan
- Vandervord, David
- Wells, Oliver
- Welsh, Graham
- Wensley, Richard
- Williams, Ronald George