Anyan, John Richard


Anyan, John Richard


Six items. The collection concerns Sergeant John Richard Anyan (1920 - 1942, 1259839 Royal Air Force) and contains documents and photographs.He flew operations as an observer with 106 Squadron and was killed 28 January 1942. 

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Carolyn MacGillivray and catalogued by Jan Johnstone.

Additional information on John Richard Anyan is available via the IBCC Losses Database.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Anyan, JR

Collection Items

Football team
Eleven men in football kit kneeling and standing outside. Annotated: 'Top Row (Standing) l to r Green, Robinson, Young, Blackburn, Jenkins and [indecipherable]. Bottom Row (Kneeling) l to r (?), [indecipherable], Hanrahan, Whetstone and Bee.'.

Airmen in uniform
Twenty four airmen in uniform seated and standing outside a building. Two men on the front row are wearing peaked caps, remaining men wearing side caps.

3 Course, A and B Squads
Ten airmen in uniform seated and standing outside a hut. Annotated: 'A Squad on left of photograph' and with the following names: A Squad: Considine, Bellamy, Anyan, Barkway, Ashplant, Bee, Barrett, Dawkins, Chapman, Anderson. B Squad: Ewings,…

D Flight, No 2 Squadron, 3 ITW, April 1941
Five rows of airmen in uniform, all members of Number 3 Initial Training Wing, seated and standing outside a building. Annotated on the mount: 'D Flight, No 2 Squadron, 3 ITW, April 1941'.

Dick Anyan in uniform
A head and shoulders photograph of Dick Anyan in uniform, sergeant's stripes on his shoulders and observer's brevet on his chest.

Sgt J R Anyan (Observer) 106 Squadron
A summary of the RAF career of Sergeant Dick Anyan (1259839) written by his nephew. Details are provided of two operations flown in a Handley Page Hampden (P4398) with 106 Squadron. On an operation to bomb Emden Dick Anyan's fellow airmen were:…
View all 6 items

Collection Tree

  • Anyan, John Richard