Coyne, Patrick


Coyne, Patrick


Three items. The collection concerns Sergeant Patrick Coyne (b. 1914, 972772 Royal Air Force) and contains his prisoner of war records and a photograph. He flew operations as a wireless operator.

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Brian Rowbottom and catalogued by Jan Johnstone.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Coyne, P

Collection Items

Air crew sitting on a 4,000 pound bomb, with Lancaster
Seven airmen in uniform sitting on a bomb on a trolley next to a Lancaster. 'K2' painted on the side of the fuselage. Annotation: 'Air crew on a 1,000 pound bomb, with a Lancaster bomber'. [actually a 4,000 lb 'cookie']

Patrick Coyne's prisoner of war record card
Identity card with descriptive details, two head and shoulders photographs and a fingerprint.

Patrick Coyne's prisoner of war record card
Identity card with descriptive details, one head and shoulders photograph and a fingerprint.
View all 3 items

Collection Tree

  • Coyne, Patrick