Letter to Connie and Bill from Stanley Shaw
Letter to Connie and Bill from Stanley Shaw
Catches up with news and sorry he could not meet Bill and speculates over future opportunities. Expresses sympathy to Connie that Bill is posted abroad.
Two page handwritten letter
Conforms To
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A/C 2 1576412.
HUT 209.
57. O.T.U.
Nr Chester
N. Wales
Dear Connie & Bill
I have just heard you were at home Bill on what on other occasions would have been called a week of pleasure. I am sorry you are having to go abroad, its not a pleasant thought but still nothing can be done about it unfortunately. I am sorry I could not have seen you at Chester before if only we had thought about some time back we could have enjoyed ourselves a bit together still if you happen to go back to R- & have half a [deleted] chance [/deleted] chance to get down let me know soon enough & I’ll be there, because if its possible I must see you before you go or it will
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be god above knows when I shall see you again. Well Connie I can understand a little how you both feel & I am very sorry for you both & I hope you are not kept apart for long. I am still clinging to the hope it will be over before next Winter if not before so that we can go back to normal times again & blast war & all it stands for it would be grand to write this letter asking you to come over to Stapleford for the weekend, & down to the Warren has [sic] before the world turned upside down, & I hope I shant be long before I am doing so. Well all the best & enjoy yourselves has [sic] much as you can this week & Good luck & if I don’t see you Bill Best of Luck & chin up look after yourself.
Yours with Love
HUT 209.
57. O.T.U.
Nr Chester
N. Wales
Dear Connie & Bill
I have just heard you were at home Bill on what on other occasions would have been called a week of pleasure. I am sorry you are having to go abroad, its not a pleasant thought but still nothing can be done about it unfortunately. I am sorry I could not have seen you at Chester before if only we had thought about some time back we could have enjoyed ourselves a bit together still if you happen to go back to R- & have half a [deleted] chance [/deleted] chance to get down let me know soon enough & I’ll be there, because if its possible I must see you before you go or it will
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be god above knows when I shall see you again. Well Connie I can understand a little how you both feel & I am very sorry for you both & I hope you are not kept apart for long. I am still clinging to the hope it will be over before next Winter if not before so that we can go back to normal times again & blast war & all it stands for it would be grand to write this letter asking you to come over to Stapleford for the weekend, & down to the Warren has [sic] before the world turned upside down, & I hope I shant be long before I am doing so. Well all the best & enjoy yourselves has [sic] much as you can this week & Good luck & if I don’t see you Bill Best of Luck & chin up look after yourself.
Yours with Love
S Shaw, “Letter to Connie and Bill from Stanley Shaw,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 19, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/37518.
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