Letter to Reg Wilson's Family



Letter to Reg Wilson's Family


Reg writes it is six weeks since he was shot down. Camp life is OK, Red Cross parcels help greatly, and there is plenty of entertainment. He is amused to see men dressed as women in the plays that are put on in the camp theatre.




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One handwritten sheet


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[underlined] 3rd March ’44 [/underlined]

Dear Mum, Dad & Fmly, [sic] Well its six weeks tonight since I was shot down, though it seems much longer. I’m hoping to receive a letter from you in a few weeks, though they seem to come very haphazard. I think of you all very much, and a letter from you would be very welcome, it would be good to know that you all have word that I am a P.O.W. Last week I would have been on leave if misfortune hadn’t occurred, this life now certainly makes everything seem like a dream. I hope you are all well at home and you have heard from Pat, I’m still very well here and time passes fairly quickly, of course the end of the war is very much in my mind now. We have quite a number of hut shows which tour the huts in turn, and also a theatre. I think it would surprise you all to see our Theatre which has been constructed by the chaps here almost out of nothing. Its very amusing to see fellows converted into girls too, in these shows. I cannot speak to [sic] highly of the Red Cross, their help is wonderful. Please send some photos & send any parcels to Stalag 4B, & again check with the Squadron my pay and personnel kit – including watch. Do not worry at all about me here I am quite alright and we are treated quite well. Cheerio for now, but not for long. Love

[underlined] Reg [/underlined]


Reg Wilson, “Letter to Reg Wilson's Family,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/35892.

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