Letter to Ernie Harris' wife from Tim Scott



Letter to Ernie Harris' wife from Tim Scott


He thanks he for sending a letter and a photograph of her daughter, Daphne. He talks about the investiture at Buckingham Palace.




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Three handwritten sheets and an envelope


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[postmark Winnipeg Aug 7]

[ink stamp]

Mrs HE. Harris
11 San Diego Road

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998 Dorchester Ave,
Man. Canada.

Jan. 28. 45.

Dear Mrs. Harris:

It was most kind of you to write us such an interesting letter and to send the picture of your charming little Daphne. Thank you so much for both of them – I think Daphne is a dear little girl and I’m sure she must be such a comfort to you at all times but especially when your husband is away on such hazardous work.

Naturally we were delighted to

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hear of your husbands high opinion of our much loved son. We think he is pretty nice ourselves!! but it is always gratifying to hear that other people think so too!. and you may be sure that Neil had a very special regard for all his Crew. He sent us a description of each one, mentioning their ability, their nationality, place of residence and hobby’s etc. so you see we feel that we have known all the brave boys who flew in “Nan” with Neil. I hope you have very good news of your husband on his 2nd. tour and I hope he likes his Australian pilot. How thankful you will be to have it all over

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In a recent letter Neil tells us of his decision to go on a second tour also, but this time he is to fly Mosquitoes or Mossies I believe they call them. He expected to learn his present station in Jan. and proceed to conversion and start his tour in March. How I pray that he will be as lucky in this second one as he was in the first.

How I really envy you going up to B. Palace to see your husband decorated and I would give almost anything to be there with Neil (if they are lucky enough to hit the same day!) and to meet his crew & you & Daphne – Sometimes I wonder if the powers that be have forgotten that they gave the awards, it seems so long ago! Neil’s rear gunner Charlie Haigh has gone back to Australia so I suppose he will be decorated there.

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We have a small grand-daughter living with us. She has been here since she was born, 2 yrs. ago on Jan. 8th. and of course her mother too. We have only our daughter Gerry & Neil – Gerry’s husband has been over in Italy for 2 yrs almost and hasn’t seen the baby yet and she is such a darling, it is very sad. She is called Jocelyn Neil and her last name is Wilson.

Again thanking you very much Mrs. Harris for thinking of us and hoping that 1945 will bring you all that is good and with sincerest regards to you & your husband and small Daphne I am

Yours V. sincerely

[underlined] Tim Scott. [/underlined]



Tim Scott, “Letter to Ernie Harris' wife from Tim Scott,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 18, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/33995.

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