Welcome to Durban



Welcome to Durban
Khaki and Blue We Welcome You


Two leaflets produced by Durban to introduce service men to the city. They include details of organisations, greetings in Zulu and Afrikaans, canteens and clubs, transport, maps, sport, places of interest, entertainments, taxi fares, places to visit and bathing and swimming.





Two printed leaflets


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.





[Drawing of Service personnel]

“Khaki and Blue we welcome you”

Durban is glad to see you.

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The following organisations will gladly assist in the entertainment of visiting soldiers and sailors, who are invited to get in touch with the following:-

Rotary Club. – Luncheon meeting every Tuesday at Marine Hotel, Esplanade, at 1 p.m. Secretary, C. Teeton (tel. 56124; res. tel. 85267). Sons of Rotarians in the Forces especially welcome.

Masonic Fellowship.- Information regarding Freemasonry may be obtained form the Masonic Hall, Smith Street (opposite Greenacre’s); tel. 24261.

Sons of England.- Provincial Secretary, A.K. Todd, 7-8 Royal Exchange Buildings, cor. Smith and Field Streets, tel. 21642; residence 335 St. Thomas’ Road, tel. 48328. Lodge meetings held frequently at S.O.E. Hall, 473 Smith Street.

Toc H.- Toc H members or friends are invited to ring up Mr. W.E. Steuart, c/o Messrs. Maythems Ltd., Maydon Road. tel. 57126; residence, Beach Hurst, Marine Parade, tel. 26595. Meetings Wednesday and Thursday, 8 p.m., Lucas House, Commercial Road, opposite Victoria League Club.

Toc H League of Women Helpers, Ellison Club, 79 Field Street, tel. 25802.

Overseas League.- Hon. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. W.A. Larmuth, Durban Women’s Club, Stuttaford’s Buildings, Field Street, tel. 21752.

Royal Empire Society.- Hon. corresponding secretary, J.R.T. Crampton, 19-20 Gersigny’s Buildings, Leslie Street, off Gardiner Street, tel. 21418.

Australian and New Zealand Association.- Secretary F. Jempson, c/o S.A. Slippers (Pty.) Ltd., 98 Gale Street, tel. 25188; residence, 63 Bartle Road, tel. 57967.

Association of Friends of Free France.- Secretary, M. Verdoncq, 26 Baker Street, off Smith Street, tel. 20421.

Durban Caledonian Society.- Chief, J.K. Samson, c/o Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd., West Street; residence, 150 Evans Road, tel. 56874. Secretary, W.B. Smith, 24 Toledo Avenue, tel. 49405.

Natal Cambrian Society.- Secretary H.I. Rowlands, c/o Messrs. Payne Bros, 398 West Street, residence tel. 49145. Musical evenings arranged at Seaforth Private Hotel, 10 Palmer Street (Mrs. E. Matthews, tel. 20027).

Lancashire, Yorkshire and Northern Counties Association.- Secretary, Mrs. E. Jackson, 6 Beach Hurst, Marine Parade, tel. 27446.

Society of Londoners.- Secretary, Miss F.M. Lloyd, tel. 49182. Social evenings at Merchant Navy Club, 17 Gardiner St., 7.30 p.m., second Tuesday in every month.

British Empire Service League.- Offices are situated in the basement of the Municipal Buildings., City Hall.

Memorable Order of Tin Hats (M.O.T.H.).- Hon, sec., Major C. Bass, G.H.Q. Warrior’s Gate, Od Fort Road., tel. 26046, who will afford information regarding meetings of Shellholes.

Durban Camera Club.- Secretary, L. Bevis, Municipal Museum , City Hall, tel. 26611 (ext. 102).

Durban Amateur Cine Club.- Secretary, W.B. Gray, 110 Sir Duncan Road, tel. 57338.

Durban Chess Club.- Secretary, H. Fairbridge, King’s Mansions, Esplanade, tel. 26250. Meets every Tuesday, 7.45 p.m. Club rooms, Stuttaford’s Chambers, Field Street (second floor).

Philatelic Society of Natal.- Meets first and third Wednesday of each month at 31 London Assurance House, 319 Smith St. (take lift to third floor), 7 p.m. Hon. secy., G. Milner Palmer, tel. res. 48790, office 23553.

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes.- S. Carson (R.O.H.), 39 Gardiner Street, tel. 21373; residence, 16 Madeira Road, tel. 38770.

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Ancient Order of Foresters.- Secretary, Miss N. Hughes, c/o Natal Mercury, Devonshire Place, off Smith St., tel. 24511. Meetings first Wednesday in each month at Foresters Hall, Alwyn House, 452 West Street, at 7.30 p.m.

Independent Order of Oddfellows (M.U.).- Secretary, W.J.H. Baker, 72 Madeline Road, tel. 36835. Meets first and third Mondays each month. Oddfellows Hall, Albany Grove, off Smith Street, near Playhouse, at 5.30 p.m.

Independent Order of Rechabites (S.U.).- Secretary, J.B. Matthews, c/o W. Sharp, 10 Stamford Hill Road, tel. 21234. Meetings second Monday in each month, Congregational Church Schoolroom, Aliwal Street, at 8 p.m.

Moral Rearmament (M.R.A.).- Office, 717 Payne’s Buildings, West Street, tel. 24248; after hours tel. 47958 or 49394.

Christian Science Reading Room.- No. 1 Rhodes House (ground floor), 368 Smith Street, tel. 22010. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.

Automobile Association of S.A., 30 Gardiner Street.

Royal Automobile Club of S.A., 5 Club Arcade, Smith St.

The Housing Section, S.A. Women’s Auxiliary Services, will gladly arrange for members of the Forces who are granted short periods of leave to be accepted as guests in private homes or on farms in various parts of Natal. Please contact Flat 5, Fire Station Buildings, Pine Street, tel. 26257.

The office of the Non-European Army Liaison Officer is at 141 Warwick Avenue, tel. 24543. It is suggested that non-European Officers and Nurses contact this official on arrival.

Information regarding other Associations or Organisations established in Durban is obtainable at the Publicity Bureau, corner of West and Church Streets.


Belgium: Mr. Henri Moumal, Reid & Acutt’s Buildings, 41 Esplanade, tel. 20132.
Denmark: Mr. O. Rasmussen, Whytock Building, 397 Smith Street, tel. 20731.
Free France: Capt. P. Lerequier, 42 Menteith House, Smith Street, tel. 20181.
Greece: Commander E. Lychnos, 24 Southern Life Building, Smith Street, tel. 25086.
Netherlands: Mr. F. Heckman, Netherlands Bank Building, 335 Smith Street, tel. 20387.
Norway: Mr. J.J. Egeland, 397 Smith Street, tel. 21694.
Poland: Mr. Stanislas B.M. de Rosset, 166 Goble Road, tel. 39461.
Portugal: Mr. V.M. Morgado, Netherlands Bank Building, Smith Street, tel. 22603.
Sweden: Mr. A. Lindholm, 99 Smith Street, tel. 25524.
U.S.A.: Mr. John Corrigan, Consul, Mr. Robt. C. Strong, Vice-Consul, Netherlands Bank Bldg., 335 Smith St., tel. 22461.
Yugoslavia: Mr. Alex. Blaikie, 130 Williams Road, tel. 21585.
New Zealand Govt.: Mr. H. Middlebrook (Hon. Representative). No. 3 First Floor, natal Bank Buildings, West Street, tel. 21483.


[Phrase] Zulu. Pronounced.

Go straight ahead. Hamba pambili. Harmba pambeeley
Stop. Yima or Mana. Eeema or Marnar.
Turn around. Penduka. Pendugar.
Turn back. Buyel’ emuve. Buyella muvar.
How much? Imalini? Marleeney?
Go to the Point. Yana e Point. Yarnar Point.
Go to Maydon Wharf. Yana e Kangella. Yarnar Kangella.
Wait for me here. Ngilindela. Gilinderlar.
Good-bye. Hamba kahle. Harmber garshle.

A Zulu will probably express his thanks by the word “Mnumzana,” pronounced “Oomnnmzarnar”; or, if very pleased, will use the word “Inkosi,” pronounced “Inkorsi.”

Ricksha pullers and other Zulus use the following word to express money: 3d., Teekie (Itiki) or Upenn; 6d., Sispens or Zukwa; 1/-, Usheleni; 2/-, Scotchman; 2/6, Fakulin (Ufgargoleni).

Visitors will also note that Europeans use the word “Tickey” to express “Threepence”.

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This greeting is a very sincere one and, on behalf of Durban, is expressed to you by the compilers of this publication, the Durban Publicity Association, offices, corner West and Church Streets, opposite City Hall.

We trust your stay with us will result in your getting to know something of the delights of this “Sunlit City by the Sea,” that you will partake of the hospitality of its citizens and make many new friends, and that they will ripen into lasting friendships; and when the time arrives for you to leave us, we cannot do better than repeat the farewell expressed by our beloved Prime Minister, General Smuts, who said:-

“Good-bye, officer and man, visit us again; you will always be welcome; some of you might like to settle here when the war is over. You will be welcome.”

And so in some other languages we say:-

Afrikaans: Durban heet u welkom.
Belgian: Welkon in Durban.
Danish: Velkommen til Durban.
French: Bien venue à Durban.
Greek: Kalos orisete sto Durban.
Dutch: Welkom naar Durban.
Norwegian: Velkommen til Durban.
U.S.A.: Glad to know you, Cousin.
Yugoslavian: Dobro dosli vojnici u Durbanu.
Polish: Witajice! Pozdrawiamy was serdezcnie do Durbano.
Russian: Privetsvuyu vas v Durbane.


DURBAN is the premier seaport and the popular All-Year-Round holiday resort of the Union of South Africa.

Durban (lat. 29° 51’ S., long. 31° 0’ E.) is the third largest city in South Africa; Capetown and Johannesburg being larger.

The population of Durban is 280526, (Europeans 105,742 African Natives (mostly Zulus) 74,132; Asiatics 92,183; Coloured 8,469).

The area of the city is 43,050 acres, approximately 67 square miles.

The rateable value of Durban (1941-42) is £47,175,010.

The average maximum temperature throughout the year is 76.4° and minimum 63°. Average mean temperature 69.7°. Average maximum temperature (midsummer), December-February, 81.3°.

Durban enjoys 2,401 hours of sunshine during a year, equalling 54.8 per cent. of the total hours of daylight.

The mean annual rainfall is 45 inches, the greater part falling during the summer months (October-March).

Mean sea-water temperatures: November to March (summer) 76°, April to October 69°. Winter months, June-August, 67.3°.

The speed limit in Durban, except where indicated otherwise, is 30 miles per hour. The rule of the road and sidewalk is “Keep to the left.”

City Hall, Post Office, Railway Station and Publicity Bureau are two miles distant from the Point (Docks) bus terminus.


Don’t sunbathe to long on midsummer days. Take small doses until you’re tanned. Smearing your shoulders, arms and legs with Vaseline or other pomade before bathing will help.

Don’t drink on an empty “tummy.” Have a good square meal first. The canteens will provide all you require.

Don’t attempt to board moving buses. Wait for the next one.

Don’t cross streets against the robot. Use pedestrian crossings where provided. The traffic rule is “Keep left.”

Don’t hesitate to ask townspeople for information. They will gladly assist anyone of the United Nations.

If you wish to post this folder home, don’t hesitate to ask the Publicity Bureau for an envelope – Free.

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The organisations listed below are happy to provide refreshments and facilities to members of H.M. Forces and the Allied Merchant Navy.


Victoria League Club, 209 Pine Street (near General Post Office, one minute from railway station). Open 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Light meals served. Comfortable writing and smoking rooms, recreation hall with three billiard tables, tennis table sets, dart boards, etc. Concert hall. Dressing room with hot baths and cold showers.

Wesley Hall Canteen, central West Street, near Gardiner Street corner. Light refreshments FREE. Magazines, gramophone records and games. Free cigarettes and writing materials also supplied to those who need them. Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Entertainments also arranged. Service testaments containing the King’s message can also be obtained, gratis.

Navy League Club, Metal Buildings, 25 Field Street (Esplanade end). Open 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Refreshments provided. Rest and writing rooms. Hot and cold baths. Dances held Mondays and Thursdays. Sing-song every Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m.

South African Women’s Auxiliary Services Canteen, Old Court House, corner of West Street and Aliwal Street (next east end of City Hall). Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Meals and light refreshments. Rest and writing rooms. Games, billiards.

Salvation Army Soldiers’ Red Shield Club, Albany Grove, next to Mayfair Hotel and opposite the side of the Playhouse. Open from 10 a.m. Light refreshments, reading and writing facilities.

Young Men’s Christian Association, Elizabeth Crookes Hall, Beach Walk. Two minutes from City Hall. Reached via Beach Walk at side of Royal Hotel, or from Esplanade. Open daily 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Refreshments, indoor games, reading and writing room, two billiard tables. Dances on first and third Wednesday of each month. Partners provided.
A limited number of beds are available in the Y.M.C.A. building, adjoining the Hall.

South African Women’s Voluntary Air Force Canteen, Milton House (upstairs), Smith Street, opposite Mayfair Hotel and next to east end of City Hall. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Light refreshments.

Sons of England Rest Room and Canteen, Union Buildings, corner of Pine Street and Mark Lane (near Victoria League Club). Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Light refreshments, games, reading and writing facilities.

Toc H Servicemen’s Club, 36a Gardiner Street (next to Wardkiss Hardware Co.). Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Light Refreshments.

Foyer des Forces Francais Libres (Free French Club), 112a Commercial Road (above Lipworths}. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Refreshments (French cooking), reading and writing facilities.

American-Canadian Club, Security Buildings, 345-347 Smith St. (in passage). Coca-cola and cookies. Reading and writing material and games. Music. Open 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Durban Jewish Club, Old Fort Road, near corner Marine Parade. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hot and cold meals and light refreshments. Writing and reading rooms. Dressing rooms with hot and cold showers. Sporting facilities: billiards, squash court, tennis, bowls. Undenominational.

Stand Easy Club.- Pavilion Tea Room, corner of Marine Parade and Old Fort Road. Open daily from 2 p.m. Light refreshments, games galore, reading and writing facilities. Dancing on Tuesdays and Fridays from 7.30 p.m. Sing-song with popular artistes on Sundays at 7.30 p.m.

Christian Science Rest Room, Marine Parade South, corner of Smith Street (adjoining Rink Garage). Open 2 p.m. to sunset daily. No refreshments. Reading and writing room.

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St. Peter’s Canteen, Point Road, near corner of Hospital Road. Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Refreshments, games. Dancing Wednesday and Sunday evenings.

Seamen’s Institute and Rest, 154 Point Road, opposite Vasco de Gama Clock and near corner of Southampton Street. Open always. Refreshments at all hours. Indoor games, billiards, reading and writing rooms. Cinema shows every night at 8 p.m. Concerts and dramatic performances in theatre frequently. Cricket and football fields available. Sleeping accommodation for Royal Navy and Merchant Navy. Sunday evening service 8.40 p.m.

Missions to Seamen (for Seamen only), Wellington Road (near end of Point Road). Open 9 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. Indoor games. Concert and cinema show nightly. Dancing twice weekly. Services on Sundays.


Seamen’s Institute Branch Canteen, Maydon Wharf. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Refreshments, indoor games. Cinema shows frequently.

Umbilo, S.A.W.A.S. Canteen (Stella Park branch), Bartle Rd., at Umbilo bus terminus, near Union Flour Mills. Open 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Meals and light refreshments. Writing facilities.


Journey’s End Moth Shellhole Social Club, Kensington Drive, Broadway (off Northway), Durban North. Open each Friday from 7.30 p.m. and on other necessary occasions. Dancing, refreshments, free. Limited number of dancing shoes provided.

Greenwood Park Presbyterian Church Canteen, North Coast Rd. (bus stop 34). Opens Every Sunday 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and when other occasions demand it. Free meals. Games, two Badminton courts (open-air).


St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Canteen, corner Albert Street and Commercial Road, opposite Fire Station. Light refreshments, games, reading and writing facilities. Concerts and social evenings organised. ALL FREE. Open 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. when occasions require it.

St. Paul’s Hall Canteen, adjoining St. Paul’s Church, corner Church and Pine Streets. Open when occasions demand it. Refreshments, etc.

Congregational Church, Aliwal Street (near Esplanade). Free refreshments.

Wayside Canteen, Presbyterian Church, Berea Road, corner of Manning Road (alight at stop 16). Open 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on rush occasions. Free refreshments.


For Indians: Indian Servicemen’s Club, 140 Field Street.
For Coloureds: St. Raphael’s Hall, Stratford Road.
For African Natives: Methodist Church Hall, 205 Grey Street.



Fleet House, Residential Club for Naval Officers (Branch of Navy League), 155 St. Thomas’ Road, Berea. Accommodation with board for 25 officers. Specially low charges. Tel. 49393.

Other Ranks.

S.A.W.A.S. Servicemen’s Residential Club, Queen’s House, 11 Queen St. (near railway station, off Soldiers’ Way), and Annexe on opposite side of street. Bed and early morning tea 9d. Over 900 beds. Lock-up kit rooms, hot and cold baths. Light refreshments (no meals served). Reading, writing and recreation rooms, billiard table. Open always.

Other Annexe, Ouma’s Victory House, Dougall’s Building, corner of Berea and Umbilo Roads. Open from 8 p.m. 100 beds. Same charge, etc. as at Queen’s House. Booking of beds to be made at Queen’s House during day.

All Night Inn, Soldier’s Way (opposite railway station). Sleeping accommodation for Naval personnel. 200 beds. 1/- night. Beds booked from 10 a.m.

Compiled and published by the Durban Publicity Association.

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[Three photographs of men enjoying the facilities in Durban]

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Travel on Municipal trolley buses, motor buses and trams is free to all members of H.M. Forces, in uniform, and also to those in hospital blue and grey, provided they wear their uniform cap and red tie. This privilege is suspended between the hours of 4.30 p.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive.

Troops are asked to avoid unnecessary use of conveyances between 4.30 p.m. and 6 p.m., in order that the ordinary public requirements can be met.

Ordinary fares must be paid on “Race Course Special” and other special service trams and buses.

All routes are indicated on the map, thus: “Route…”


Route 2, Marine Parade, via West Street and Upper Marine Parade. Terminus Somtseu Road. En route: Hotels and flats, open-air swimming bath, central bathing beach, Aquarium, Snake Park, Beach Amusement Park, Amphitheatre gardens (special open-air dances arranged); Municipal bowling greens. Victoria Park, behind Parade (alight at Sea View Street); Beach tennis courts (alight at Hotel Empress).

Soldiers’ Clubs: Stand Easy Club, corner Old Fort Road; Jewish Club, Old Fort Road. Alight at Old Fort Road corner.

Route 3, South Beach, via West Street and South Marine Parade; terminus Addington Hospital (Government and Military hospitals). Popular bathing beach, change rooms, Beach concerts, Municipal bowling greens. Soldiers’ Club: Christian Science Rest Room (adjoining Rink Garage), corner Marine Parade South and Smith Street (near Hotel Seaside).

Route 4, Point Docks, via West St. and Point Rd. Terminus 2 miles. En route: Soldiers’ Club, St. Peter’s Canteen, Point Rd., corner of Hospital Rd.; Seamen’s Institute and Rest, 154 Point Rd., Missions to Seamen, Wellington Rd. Churches en route: Christ Church (C. of E.), Point Rd., corner Masonic Rd., and St. Peter’s Church (R.C.), Point Rd., corner Hospital Rd.

(All above services leave from Church Street.)

Route 5, Umbilo (4 1/2 miles). Industrial area on left, residential area beyond. Congella Park (corner Umbilo and Pioneer Roads), Stella Park, Stellawood Road (off Umbilo Road.)

Route 6, Queen Mary Avenue, Glenwood.

Route 7, Glenwood (Bulwer Park and Manor Gardens), to terminus, Chelmsford Road. Residential area, Bulwer Park en route (2 6-10 miles.)

(All above leave from West Street, opposite Post Office.)

Routes 8 and 9, Mayville Hill (via Toll Gate). Main Road (inland) to foot of Mayville Hill. Extensive inland views (3 3-10 miles)

Route 10. Springfield Road (via Overport), to terminus, Springfield Road. Traverses attractive residential districts, inland views from terminus (4 miles).

Route 21, Musgrave Road (via Berea Road), via Pine Street, Cathedral Road, West Street, Berea and Musgrave Roads to Marriott Road stage, returning to city via Musgrave and Florida Roads, First Avenue and Soldiers’ Way (3 miles).

Route 22, Marriott Road, to Marriott Road stage. Musgrave Road (3 miles), thence returning to City via Berea Road.

Note.- Routes 21 or 22 form a circular tour of the Berea (time 40 minutes). Wonderful panoramic views, stately homes, beautiful gardens and gorgeous flowering trees and shrubs. Musgrave and Florida Roads are lined with flamboyant trees, in bloom in December and January. Large hotels en route: Osborne, Caister and Ocean View.

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The Municipal Aviaries are situated in Mitchell Park (east end Musgrave Road), a beauty spot, restful and charming, with huge indigenous and other trees. Refreshments obtainable. Jameson Park, near by, is renowned for its glorious gardens, beautiful palms and flowering trees and shrubs.

Route 23, Botanic Gardens (via Berea Road), proceeds via Pine Street, Cathedral Road, West Street, Berea and Botanic Gardens Roads and Edith Benson Crescent to Botanic Gardens, returning to city via Cowey and Clarence Roads, First Avenue and Soldiers’ Way; and

Route 24, Botanic Gardens (via Greyville).

Note.- Routes 23 and 24 are the inner circular tour of the Berea (2 4-10 miles). The Botanic Gardens are well worth visiting. Open daily until 6.30 p.m. Summer, 5.30 p.m. Winter.

Route 29, Maydon Wharf, via Church, Smith and Russell Streets and Maydon Road to Francois Bridge. Traverses industrial area.

Route 30, Nicolson Road. Latter portion of route through pretty residential districts with extensive panoramas of city.

(All above services leave from Traffic Centre, Pine Street.)

TRAM CAR SERVICES No route numbers.

North Ridge Road and Morningside, from Gardiner St. (opposite Post Office), via Soldiers’ Way, First Avenue, Stamford Hill Rd., Sutton Cres., Windermere Rd. and Trematon Drive to junction with North Ridge Rd. (3 1/2 miles).

Umgeni.- From Gardiner St. via Soldiers’ Way, First Avenue, Stamford Hill and Umgeni Rds., passing Windsor Park municipal golf course, to terminus at Connaught Bridge (3 3/4 miles.) The Roadhouse (dancing nightly) is on the north bank of the river.


(All buses depart from Traffic Centre, Pine Street.)

The suburban bus services (indicated on map) are as follows:-

Route 25-27.- Durban North and Greenwood Park.

Route 28.- Mount Vernon via Hillary (via Rossburgh, Seaview and Bellair).

Route 31.- Sydenham (King George V and Springfield Hospitals).

Route 32-33.- Westville.

Route 34-37.- Brighton Beach (Bluff Marine Drive).

Route 38.- Fynnland Beach (Bluff).

N.B.- Route No. 1, “CITY,” indicates returning to centre of City.

A special train service is provided between the Clairwood Transit Camp and the city. (Return fare, a “tanner.”)

Motorists passing the camp invariably offer lifts to men in uniform and bring them into town.

Departure times of last buses from the City to all termini are: Weekdays and public holidays 10.30 p.m. The last bus returning to the City from Greenwood Park via Durban North is as 11.15 p.m. weekdays, 10.15 p.m. Sundays.

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[Map showing Durban City transport routes]

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Visiting members of the Army, Navy and Air Force Services requiring grounds are asked to communicate with the Durban Football and Cricket Grounds Association. Chairman, Mr. W.K. Robertson, telephone 25141. Secretary-Manager, Mr. V.C. Robbins, Kingsmead Ground, telephone 21067.

The Durban District Football Association will gladly provide full playing kit for organised Soccer teams. Apply Mr. J. Rycroft, Secretary, tel. 22075.

Eleven Municipal Parks and Recreation Grounds in various parts of the city are available, free, for teams desiring to play Cricket, Football, Basketball and Hockey.

Arrangements for the use of the grounds should be made with the Director of Parks and Gardens, Botanical Gardens, tel. 46037.


Players will be welcomed at various clubs. Please contact Mr. W.H. Hammond, tel. 36734, or Beach Tennis Courts, tel. 24141.

Queen’s Club, whose courts are situated at the Ocean Beach behind the Marine Parade (bus stops Nos. 11 or 12), offer honorary facilities to members of the Services. Tel. Mr. R.S. Ford, No. 61554.


All golf courses in Durban and the surrounding district extend an invitation to visiting troops and, where possible, will assist by providing clubs, etc. At the Royal Durban Golf Club no green fees are charged and, when possible, clubs are provided free, and at other clubs members’ green fees apply. Play at the Durban Country Club is, however, confined to Officers.

The Municipal Golf Course, Windsor Park, is open daily from 7 a.m. (Secretary, tel. 36880). Tariff: Green fees, 18 holes, Monday to Friday, 1/-; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 1/6. Caddie fees (first class), 18 holes 1/9, 9 holes 1/-, (second class) 1/3 and 9d. Hire of set of clubs and bag, 2/-. Nine-hole Mashie Course, per round, 6d.; hire of clubs, 6d. per round. Refreshments, lockers and showers obtainable. Take Umgeni tram.


Mr. H. Gethin-Jones, c/o List Bros., 360 West Street, tel. 23441 (residence tel. 22244), will make arrangements.


All of the many bowling clubs will be glad to see visitors as spectators. Those desiring games please ring Mr. Ivan Southwood, tel. 26611 (ext 139), residence tel. 57443.

The Municipal bowling greens, South Beach and Victoria Park (behind Marine Parade), are open for play daily. Moring session commences at 9.15 a.m., afternoon session 2 p.m.


Please contact Mr. D. Marais, c/o Natal Technical College, tel. 20064, residence tel. 47023.


Those interested in the fistic art are invited to attend the Fred Crookes Gymnasium, Natal Technical College, top end of West Street, every Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. As opportunity occurs tournaments are staged for visiting servicemen. Contacts: Mr. J.C. Barnes, tel. 22531 and residence No. 36692, or Mr. Trevor M. Pay, residence tel. 49237.


Frequent race meetings are held by the Durban Turf Club (course at Greyville at the foot of the Berea, indicated on map), “Race Course Special” trams leave from Gardiner Street, opposite Post Office, for Greyville (fare 6d.).


Information obtainable at Publicity Bureau, West Street.

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Art Gallery and Museum.- Municipal Art Gallery and Museum, City Hall, entrance Smith Street, opposite Playhouse. Open 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (Wednesday 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.), Sundays 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Open until 8.30 p.m. when large numbers of troops are in Durban. A Guide-Lecturer is in attendance and will gladly show visitors around.

Library.- Municipal Library and Reading Rooms, City Hall. Same entrance as to the Art Gallery. Library open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. Reading Rooms open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.

Botanic Gardens.- Situated on Berea (indicated on map), 50 acres. Fine specimens of trees, palms, etc., from various parts of the world. Open 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. October-March; 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. April-September.

Burman Drive is a Wild Life Sanctuary where monkeys abound. Take Morningside (North Ridge Road) tram to terminus. Wonderful inland and marine panoramas from the view site at the top of the drive. The monkeys are fed daily by the Warden from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., but take some bananas and nuts and feed them yourself.

Mitchell Park, situated on Berea (take Marriott Road bus). Lofty trees and spacious lawns. Large collection of birds in aviaries. Waterfowl and small collection of antelopes. Tea garden.

The Robert Jameson Park is nearby. Always a riot of colour. Fine indigenous trees and plants.

Indian and Native Markets.- between Queen and Victoria Streets, near Roman Catholic Cathedral (see map). Oriental atmosphere in Indian market; basketwork, fruit, etc. In Native Market, Zulus make and display beadwork and other ornaments, curios, skins and walking-sticks, etc.

Old Fort and Warriors’ Gate.- In Old Fort Road (see map). A historic spot, now an old-world garden. The old magazine is now a beautiful memorial chapel.

Warriors’ Gate adjoining is G.H.Q office of the M.O.T.H. (Memorable Order of Tin Hats). The largest Ex-Service order of its kind in the world. Patron: Mademoiselle of Armentieres. In the upper room are over 120 shields, each representing a Moth unit, and other interesting exhibits. Open daily (except Thursday) 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Custodian will show visitors every feature of this unique building.

Aquarium.- Lower Marine Parade, central Beach (adjoining Kenilworth Tea Rooms and next to open-air bath). Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission 6d.

Snake Park.- Snell Parade, north end of central Beach. Take Marine Parade bus to terminus. Hundreds of African snakes handled by skilled assistants. Full information procurable on snake-bite treatment. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Reduced admission charge 7d.

Beach Amusement Park.- North Beach. “All the Fun of the Fair.” Games and side shows, etc. Open from 2 p.m. weekdays.

Zulu Dances.- On Sunday afternoons at 4.30 p.m. at Municipal Native Sports Ground, Sometseu Road (see map). Reached from Marine Parade bus terminus. Admission free.

Amphitheatre Gardens.- Sunken gardens at north end of Marine Parade, occupying 5 acres. Delightfully laid out. Fascinating stonework, rockeries, etc. Open-air dance arena. Popular concerts.


Goeiemore … Good morning.
Goeie nag … Good night.
Alles van die beste … Everything of the best.
Alles sal reg kom … Everything will come right.
Wag ‘n bietjie … Wait a bit.
Bly om u te ontmoet … Glad to meet you.
Hoe gaan dit? … How are you?
Ko mons soek vir die kantien … Let us look for the canteen.
Baie dankie … Thank you.
Wat drink jy? … What’s yours?
Tot siens … Au revoir, or Until I see you!
Hou die blink kant bo … Thumbs up!

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Welcome to Durban

[Drawing of three service people]

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Ellison Club (Toc H League of Women Helpers’ Club for Service Women), 79 Field Street, between West and Pine Streets. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Meals and light refreshments. Lounge-dining room, rest-writing room and all the comforts of a home. Sleeping accommodation (20 beds) for week-end and occasional leave.

S.A.W.A.S. Service Women’s Club, 3rd floor, Fire Station Buildings, Pine St. Open always. 40 beds. Same charges as at Queen’s House. Meals can be obtained at Ellison Club.

The Red Cross V.A.D. Sunshine Service Club, 80-81 Club Arcade (first floor), 305 Smith Street, opposite Mercury Lane (for members of the South African Military Nursing Services and Overseas Visiting Sisters and Nurses). Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Writing and rest room. Hot and cold baths, etc.

Durban Women’s Club, 4th floor, Stuttaford’s Chambers, Field Street, welcome all members of Visiting Nursing Services. Open 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

With a few exceptions, all the canteens welcome Service Women.



Variety and light orchestral concerts, given by the Durban Municipal Orchestra, the Theatre Orchestra and Dance Band, are arranged daily in the City Hall, the City Gardens opposite, and the Amphitheatre Gardens, North Beach (Bus No. 2). Concerts and dances are advertised in the daily newspapers and at the City Hall. When large numbers of troops are in town special Garrison Variety Shows are presented under the direction of the Musical Director, Edward Dunn, late of Blackpool, Buxton, Bath.

All Municipal entertainments are free to H.M. Forces and Merchant Navy.


The principal cinema theatres are open daily, except Sundays, to visiting troops at specially reduced prices. Times 2.15 p.m. and 5 p.m., evening 8 p.m. Criterion Theatre and Prince’s continuous performances from 10.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. For Sunday openings see daily newspapers.

On Saturdays four showings are screened at the Playhouse and Metro Theatres. A Newsreel is shown daily, except Saturday, at the Playhouse at 1 p.m.; admission to troops 6d. and 1/-.


Open-air dancing on the Garden Terrace, Athlone Gardens Hotel, Durban North, every afternoon except Sundays, admission free. Every night except Sundays in semi-open air, couples only, couvert charge 2/- per head. Wed. and Sat. nights dancing in the ballroom; couvert charges Wed. 5/- per couple, Sat. 7/6 per couple; reservation of tables necessary (tel. 61661.)

Dancing nightly, except Sundays, at the Roadhouse, North Coast Rd., Umgeni, couvert charge 2/- per head; you must be accompanied by a partner.

“Tops” Palais-de-Danse, 161 West St., open weekdays 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.; dancing partners provided.

Top Hat Tea Room, Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Durban North, dancing nightly.

Dinner-dances are held at the Caister Hotel, Musgrave Rd. (charge 10/-), on Saturdays. Reservation of tables necessary; telephone 48591.

“Cinderella” dances are held every Saturday night, 8 p.m., at the Royal Durban Light Infantry Drill Hall, Epsom Rd., under the auspices of the R.D.L.I. Women’s Auxiliary Comrades’ Assn., 7/6 per couple; table reservations, tel. 61552.


Officers of H.M. Forces are accorded honorary membership of these “dance till dawn” clubs, the addresses being: Cosmo Club, 8a Umgeni Road, corner of Old Fort Road; Stardust Club, corner West Street and Cathedral Road (positions indicated on map). Dancing from 9.30 p.m. onwards. Taxi fare to either club from City Hall, 1/- or 1/6 for 1 to 4 people.

Information Bureau, West Street (next to Post Office).

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The privilege of honorary membership is accorded to all officers of His Majesty’s Forces by the following clubs:-

The Durban Country Club (golf, tennis, squash, bowls; meals).
The Royal Durban Golf Club, Greyville.
The Royal Naval Yacht Club, Esplanade.
The Mercantile Club, Whytock Building, 397 Smith St.
The Southern Club, 2nd floor, Poynton’s Bldgs, 339 Smith St.

The Merchant Navy Club, Alliance Buildings 17 Gardiner St. Open to all Captains and Officers of the Merchant Navy, the Royal Navy and other services, open 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.

Netherlands Club, 483 West St., For all members of the Netherlands Mercantile Marine, the Netherlands Navy, Army and Air Force. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The Durban Jewish Club, Old Fort Road.

The Union Club of South Africa, corner Smith and Field Streets, extends the privilege of their club to Chief and P.O.’s of the Royal Navy.

The Port Natal Marine Club, Rees’ Building, 146 Point Rd. (opposite clock). Open to W.O.’s and Sergeants of the Army, Chief and P.O.’s of Royal Navy and officers of the Merchant Navy.

Orient Club.- Officers of the Indian Army, Royal Indian Navy and Indian Air Force will be welcomed at the Orient Club, situated near Umbogintwini on the South Coast road (12 miles). Please contact Mr. A.I. Kajee, president, 37 Albert Street; tel. 22981, residence tel. 22750.


Barclays Bank (D.C.& O.): head office, 359 West Street; Natal Bank branch, corner West and Gardiner Streets.

Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd.: head office 329 West Street.

Netherlands Bank of S.A. Ltd.: 335 Smith Street.

Banking hours: 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Monday to Friday; 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Saturday.


Facilities for the exchange into South African currency of moneys likely to be in the possession of members of H.M. Forces are available at the commercial banks (Barclays, Standard and Netherlands) between the hours of 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Saturday; and at the office of Thos. Cook & Son, Mercury Lane, between West and Smith Streets (see map), during the hours of 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Saturdays. Sterling and dollar travellers’ cheques can also be encashed at prevailing rates of exchange.

English notes, also dollar bills, are encashable, the former at par, and the latter at the fixed rate of 4s. 10 1/2d. per dollar.


Cables and telegrams: 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Monday to Saturday.

Note.- E.F.M. telegrams, via Overseas, of standard texts, covering greetings, health, money, congratulations, etc., etc., are accepted at a cost of 2/6. Three text numbers may be used in a telegram out of a selection of over 120 available. This service is available to members of H.M. Forces and Mercantile Marine who wish to send telegrams to relatives and friends in overseas Empire countries, except Eire and India.

Other cable rates to Great Britain: L.C. (deferred) rate, 7 1/2d. per word. N.L.T. (night letter telegram) rate, 25 words or less, 10/5, excess words 5d. per word. Full rate 1/3 per word.

Money Orders, Postal Orders, Savings Bank: Weekdays, except Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Stamps, Post Restante, Registered Letters and Parcels: 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., weekdays.


Retail Stores (outfitters, drapers, grocers, booksellers, jewellers, etc.): Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m.: Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The hours of business at stores may vary and are somewhat curtailed.

Chemists: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Special group arrangements for urgent medicines at week-ends are posted on the doors of various pharmacies.

Hairdressing Saloons: Men’s – Monday to Thursday, 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Fridays, 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ladies’ – Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Newsagents and Tobacconists: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., weekdays.

Restaurants and Fruiterers: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays and Sundays. Some with late hour privileges to 2 a.m.

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Anglican Church (Church of the Province of S.A.); St. Paul’s Church, Church St.; Central Baptist Church, 155 West St.; Congregational Church, Aliwal St.; Dutch Reformed Church. 151 Smith St.; Methodist Church, West St. (near Gardiner St. corner); St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Commercial Rd. (opposite Central Fire Station); Emmanuel Cathedral (Roman Catholic), Cathedral Rd.; St. Andrew’s Street Synagogue, St. Andrew’s St.; First Church of Christ, Scientist, corner Russell and St. George’s Streets.

Services on Sundays, generally 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Holy Communion at Anglican Churches 7 and 8 a.m. Mass at Roman Catholic Cathedral 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays. On request, later masses are arranged for troops at St. Peter’s Church, Point Rd. Requirements of Catholic Chaplains attended to. Hebrew Services 6 p.m. Fridays, 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Saturdays.

A list of churches of various denominations in other parts of the city, and of sundry undenomonational churches, is obtainable at the Publicity Bureau.


The charges for refreshments indicated below are those usually made in restaurants and tea rooms in Durban.

Tea or coffee … 4d. & 6d.
Tea, scone and butter … 9d.
Milk (hot or cold) … 4d.
Cocoa … 6d.
Ice cream … 3d. and 6d.
Milk shake … 4d. and 6d.
Coca-Cola … 3d.
Minerals … 3d.
Orange or Lemon Tomango, Lime Juice, Grenadilla, etc. with water … 4d. and 6d.
Orange or Lemon Tomango, Lime Juice, Grenadilla, etc. with soda water … 9d.
Cold fruit drinks … 4d., 6d. and 9d.
Ice cream sodas … 6d.
Milk cocktails … 6d.
Sundaes … 1/-
Fruit lunch (fruit salad and cream with bread and butter and tea or mineral … 1/6
Cold lunch, meats and salad with bread and butter and tea or mineral … 1/6
Fried fish and chips, with bread and butter, tea, coffee or milk … 1/6
Steak and eggs, bacon and eggs, sausages and eggs, with bread and butter, tea, coffee or milk … 2/-
Mixed grill with bread and butter, tea or coffee … 2/6

At hotels and grill rooms where liquor is obtainable, the charges are higher and vary according to the class of establishment. The prevailing charges for table d’hote meals at the best hotels are: Breakfast 3/- to 3/6, luncheon 3/6 to 4/-, dinner 4/- to 6/-. At many other hotels the charge made to servicemen for a full course meal is 2/- to 3/-, irrespective of the class of meal.

The prices of liquor are:-

Beer (lager or ale), per reputed pint bottle … 10d.
Beer (lager or ale), per 10oz. glass … 7d.
Beer, draught, per imperial pint … 1/1
Whisky or imported gin and water … ½
Whisky and soda or other mineral … 1/5
South African brandy and water … 9d.
S.A. brandy and minerals … 1/-

Bars and liquor licensed premises are closed on Sundays.

Cigarettes.- Well-known South African brands range from 1/4 to 1/11 for packs of 50; Du Maurier and Gold Flake filter tip, Peter Jackson and Viceroy Virginia., 50’s 2/9. Imported Players, 20’s 1/5, 50’s 3/6; Gold Flake, 20’s 1/3, 50’s 3/-

Chocolate Slabs.- 8 oz. 1/-, 4 oz. 6d., 2 oz. 3.d.


The official municipal tariff is as follows: Minimum Fares. Maximum Fares.

For any passengers up to four-
For one mile or part thereof … 1/- 1/6
For each succeeding half-mile or part thereof … 6d. 9d.

Four people can therefore travel by taxi for one mile for a total sum of 1/- (minimum) or 1/6 (maximum).

Waiting time.- For every 5 minutes waiting time after the first 5 minutes, 6d. One hour waiting time is therefore 5/6.

Night Tariff.- Double tariff may be charged between midnight and 5.30 a.m.

Every driver of a taxi is required to be in possession of a tariff card, supplied by the City Council, which must be displayed in the taxi..

Always ask the driver beforehand for a definite quotation for the journey to be undertaken. To avoid disputes, please take particular notice of the number of the car.

N.B.- If fares in excess of the above are demanded, the hirer should require the driver to proceed to the nearest police station.

Charges usually made from City Hall or Post Office to:-

Addington Hospital … 2/6
Vasco de Gama Clock, Point Road … 3/-
Bus terminus, Point Docks … 3/9
Flats and hotels on South Beach and Marine Parade … 2/- to 3/-
Ditto on Snell Parade to bus terminus … 2/6 to 3/-
Caister Hotel, Musgrave Road … 3/9
Maydon Wharf … 2/- to 3/9
Greyville Race Course … 3/-
Clairwood Camp … 10/- to 12/-
Country Club … 4/6
Athlone Gardens … 6/9
Roadhouse … 6/9
Cosmo Club … 1/6
Stardust Club … 1/6


The authorised tariff for rickshas for one passenger is 6d. per mile or portion thereof, and a higher fare, if demanded, should not be paid. Charges from Post Office to:-

Albert Park … 6d.
Marine Parade (corner West St.) … 6d.
Indian and Native Markets … 6d.
Kingsmead … 6d.
Flats and hotels on South Beach or Marine Parade … 1/-
Vasco de Gama Clock, Point Rd. … 1/-
Bus terminus, Point Docks … 1/-
Maydon Wharf … 1/- to 2/-

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[Map of Durban]

[Street map of Durban]

[Three photographs of Durban]

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Owing to the prevailing conditions it has been found necessary to cancel all Municipal motor coach de-luxe sight-seeing tours.

Along the Natal coast, south and north of Durban, are many delightful seaside resorts which will appeal and can be reached by rail and road. Southwards, the resorts are Isipingo Beach, Inyoni Rocks, Amanzimtoti, Doonside, Warner Beach, Winkle [words unreadable] (31 miles) and many others further south. [Words unreadable] surf bathing, fishing, golf, tennis, bowls, etc., Modern hotel accommodation. En route: waving canefields and Zulu reserves. Safety bathing pools at Isipingo Beach, Inyoni Rocks and Umkomaas. Troops at Clairwood Camp should entrain at Clairwood Racecourse station. Frequent train service both ways.

On the North Coast, Umhlanga Rocks (the beach is 5 miles distant from Mount Edgecombe station). Municipal bus service to Umhlanga Rocks from Pine Street, 9.15 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. Tues. and Thurs., and 10 a.m. and 3.45 p.m. Sundays. Fare 2s. 6d. return. En route: charming countryside, sugar canefields.

Inland: Through pretty suburbs climbing to Fairydene, Pinetown, Kloof and Hill Crest, and thence to Bothas Hill and Drummond (35 miles, 2,128 ft.) for views of the famous Valley of a Thousand Hills and Zulu kraals. En route: enchanting scenery, country residences, banana, pawpaw and pineapple plantations.

All the foregoing tours can be undertaken in a day or less. Reduced rail fares available to servicemen with leave passes.

Branches and canteens of the S.A. Women’s Auxiliary Services are established at many of the places mentioned and hospitality is always offered to the Services by them.

Motor excursions to beauty spots and places of interest are also arranged for parties of men by the S.A.W.A.S. Contact Entertainments Section, Flat 4, Fire Station, Pine Street, tel. 26258 or 27046; also the R.A.C. of S.A., 5 Club Arcade, Smith Street, tel. 23347.


For those able to take a short period of leave the following tours are suggested:-

Drakensberg Mountains. Majestic scenery and mountaineering. 4 or 5 days. 150 miles, reached by rail and/or road (2 days travel). Hostels at Cathedral Peak, Cathkin Park. Drakensburg Garden Hotel and Natal National Park.

Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. 2 to 4 days (road, 1990 miles). Noted for white and black rhino, buffalo and other big game. Hostel accommodation. Road travel each way, 7 hours. En route: interesting native life.

[Words unreadable] Lake and False Bay can be [words missing] this tour if more time available. An anglers’ paradise. Flora and fauna, hippos and crocodiles. Bird Sanctuary.

Trout (Brown and Rainbow) and Black Bass Fishing, In several rivers in the midlands of Natal (80 to 150 miles). Seasons: Trout, September to May; Black Bass, January to June.

Farm Guest Houses in the Midland and Northern parts of Natal. Many such establishments offer a restful break. Riding, trout fishing, golf, tennis, swimming pools, etc. Altitudes vary from 2,000 to 6,000 feet.

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Johannesburg (the Metropolis of South Africa) and the Reef, and Pretoria (the Administrative capital of South Africa). Rail 494 miles, road 417 miles. Rail time each way 17 hours; by road 10 hours. Pretoria is 36 miles by road and 43 miles by rail beyond Johannesburg.

Kruger National Park, Transvaal, 7 to 10 days. Big game. Several well equipped camps an rest houses in the Park.

Further particulars of these and other tours, and advice, will be gladly offered by the Director of Publicity, Publicity Bureau: Messrs. Thos. Cook & Son, Mercury Lane; and the S.A. Railways Tourist and Travel Dept., Church Street. Rail concession fares are frequently available.


Free admission to the City Bath (salt water), situated in West Street, opposite the City Hall and next to the Publicity Bureau) and to the Beach Open-air Bath, Lower Marine Parade, is granted to all uniformed members of H.M. Services on the following days and times:-

City Bath.- On weekdays, excluding Mondays and Thursdays, from 6.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sundays from 6.30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Hot sea water baths, charge 1/6, and hot fresh water baths, charge 1/-, may be obtained. Included in this charge is the issue of towels and soap.

Beach Swimming Bath.- On weekdays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 6 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. during the summer months, and from 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. during winter months. Bath closed on Fridays.

Men possessing costumes and towels are required to use them. Men not having these articles may obtain them by depositing 1/- for a costume and/or towel, which deposit is refunded on the articles being returned, together with the deposit slip. Care should be taken of the deposit slip, as no refund can be made without it.

On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays admission may be obtained on payment of the ordinary charges, viz: reserved booth 6d., hire of costume 6d., hire of towel 3d.

South Beach Change Rooms.- For surf bathing. Free on weekdays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 7 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. during summer and 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. during winter months.

On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (hours 7 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. summer months, and 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. winter months) a charge of 3d. is made for the use of the dressing room and clothes hanger. Hire of costume 6d., hire of towel 3d.

Owing to the depletion of the Life-Saving Staff due to active service, no protection to bathers is provided on the bathing beaches on weekdays. Bathers are therefore warned to exercise great care and not to be venturesome.

Voluntary Life-Savers are on duty on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays only. Sound advice, therefore, is “Take no undue risk and always bathe with others.”

Where organised parties of men desire admission to the Beach swimming bath or the City baths, West St., please contact the Beach Manager’s office, Ocean Beach (tel. 24467), and the Superintendent, City Baths (tel. 23238) respectively.

Arrangements for the use of the Beach bath for water polo matches, etc., can be made through the Beach Manager’s officer.

Troops must observe the temporary restrictions imposed on the beaches.

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[Three photographs of service personnel enjoying the environs of Durban].



Durban City, “Welcome to Durban,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/16384.

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