Hayhurst, Jose Margaret


Hayhurst, Jose Margaret
J M Hayhurst


108 items. The collection concerns Sergeant Jose Margaret Hayhurst (2073102 Royal Air Force) and contains decorations, uniform, documents and photographs. She served as a radar operator in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Andrew Whitehouse and catalogued by Barry Hunter.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Hayhurst, JM

Collection Items

Jose Hayhurst and Parents
Jose and her parents are standing in a garden with Buster at the front. Jose in her WAAF uniform. On the reverse ' Dorothy, Jose, Herbert Hayhurst Buster (dog)'.

Jose Hayhurst and Three Men
Jose with three men drinking beer. On Jose's dress and blouse are letter 'V's for Victory. The men are in civilian clothes. On the reverse -
'Taffy (David) Williams "Sab" Sabourin (RCAF) Dickie Armstrong'.

Jose Hayhurst
A head and shoulders portrait of Jose in WAAF uniform.

Jose Hayhurst's Bedroom
Jose's room whilst in the RAF. Items of clothing are hanging above the bed and a kit bag is in front of the window.

Jose Hayhurst
Jose in WAAF uniform with sergeant stripes, holding her cap. On the reverse '1945/46 On way back to Duxford'.

Jose Hayhurst and Buster
Jose and Buster standing in a park. Jose is in her WAAF uniform. On the reverse is handwritten 'Mr Mather 3917 [indecipherable]
Aunt Florries address
46 Pereira Rd

Jose Hayhurst
A head and shoulders portrait of Jose in her WAAF uniform with a wireless operator badge.

Jose Hayhurst
Three newspaper cuttings with a photograph of Jose plotting V-1 flying bombs.

Goring Hears Fate First
The front page of the Daily Mail newspaper with news of the Nuremberg trial . It includes a photograph of 18 of the 21 accused.

RAF Equipment Receipt
RAF Form 675 listing WAAF equipment. The form has not been completed.

Types We All Knew (1939-?)
12 Cartoons of various types of airmen encountered in the RAF.
The keen type, the creeping type, the – I've been in longer than you type, the very fond of his tapes type, the couldn't care less type, the roll on demob type, the line shooting type,…

Jose Hayhurst Roll of Released Personnel
A record of Jose being released from service and proceeding to PDC (Personnel Despatch Centre) Wythall.

Equipment Receipt, Jose Hayhurst
A receipt issued to Jose for the return of her service clothing.

Working Personnel 12/7/46
A handwritten list of personnel divided into signals, equipment, SHQ, A/M Mess, CTO, 165 Squadron, Intelligence, MT and EVT. At the bottom is written 'To be given to Sgt Hayhurst'.

Jose Hayhurst's Postings
A list of Jose's postings whilst in the RAF.

John Taylor Brittain and Jose Margaret Hayhurst
A photograph of John with brief service dates and a second photograph, of Jose, with her service dates. Their service numbers are handwritten on.

Map of Central London
A map of Central London with the Nuffield Centre marked.

Log Book Extract
A summary at the end of John Brittain's log book detailing which units he served and which aircraft were flown.

Royal Air Force Route
RAF Form 296 issued to Jose to allow her to travel from RAF Barton Hall to RAF Wratling.

Jose Hayhurst's Leave Pass
RAF Form 295 issued to Jose allowing her to travel home.

Jose Hayhurst's Leave Pass
RAF Form 295B issued to Jose allowing her to travel to London.

Jose Hayhurst's Leave Pass
RAF Form 295B issued to Jose to allow her to travel to Eastbourne.

Jose Hayhurst's Leave Pass
RAF Form 295 issued to Jose to allow her to travel home.

Jose Hayhurst's Leave Pass
RAF Form 1672 issued to Jose to allow her to travel home.

Jose Hayhurst's Leave Pass
A pass issued to Jose to allow her to travel home.
View all 108 items

Collection Tree

  • Hayhurst, Jose Margaret