Didcote, William George


Didcote, William George
W G Didcote


Three items. The collection concerns Squadron Leader William George Didcote OBE (b. 1922, 574095 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book and two photographs. He flew operations as a navigator with 115 Squadron.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Timothy Victor Wilks and catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Didcote, WG

Collection Items

W G Didcote's crew
W G Didcote's crew with 115 Squadron standing in front of a Lancaster. 1944-45. Third from right: W G Didcote; third from left: B A Rowe-Evans.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

14 members of 115 Squadron
On the left eight ground crew sitting and standing wearing belted leather jerkins. One man has a bandage on his head. On the right, six members of aircrew. They are standing underneath an aircraft.
1944-45. Far right: W G Didcote; standing, fourth…

W G Didcote’s South African Air Force observer’s or air gunner’s log book
South African Air Force observer’s or air gunner’s log book for W G Didcote, covering the period from 15 December 1942 to 9 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and duties with 90, 186, 218 and 83…
View all 3 items

Collection Tree

  • Didcote, William George