Sturrock, Henry


Sturrock, Henry
H Sturrock


Two items. The collection concerns Henry Sturrock (Royal Air Force) and contains his memoir and photographs. He flew operations as a flight engineer with 640 Squadron.

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Henry Sturrock and catalogued by Trevor Hardcastle.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Sturrock, H

Collection Items

Recollections of a Flight Engineer
The recollections of Henry Sturrock of his time as a Flight Engineer flying in the Halifax with No 640 Squadron at Leconfield, he flew his first operation on 12 September 1944 and his last on 2 March 1945, he flew on 35 operations.
He also recounts…

Henry Sturrock's, air and ground crew
Henry Sturrock's crew in two rows with bushes behind.
Henry Sturrock's crew and six ground crew in front of a Halifax. The pilot is holding a small dog.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.
View all 2 items

Collection Tree

  • Sturrock, Henry